6–9 p.m. on Saturday, March 8th
220 E Ann St

An individual ticket is $75; a bundle of two tickets is $125; a bundle of six tickets is $350; and an individual ticket at our educator/nonprofit rate is $50. You may purchase tickets below, or do so by calling our office at 734-205-9567.

Can't attend but want to make a donation? Please visit this page. We thank you for your support!

  • PLAY Ticket Packages

  • Please select your desired ticket package(s) below. Businesses are invited to explore our sponsorship opportunities here.
  • One Ticket

    Two Tickets

    Six Tickets

    One Educator/Nonprofit Ticket

  • If known, please enter the first and last name of each person in your party.
    If purchasing a ticket at the educator/nonprofit employee rate, please list the school or organization you work for.